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Commentaire de Bobby Stein (dev) sur les raids

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Je remets le post ici pour ceux qui ne regardent pas reddit :

"raid team as you knew it before doesnt exist anymore, they were either laid off or catapulted to other companies"

To clarify: The original raid team members did move into new positions on various teams (management, lead, LW, or expac). Some are still at the studio but a few have moved on to other opportunities. This is pretty normal industry stuff.

GW2 has a vibrant community and we're always looking at ways to keep the game engaging for people. Raids, like Living World, fractals, etc. are constantly being evaluated. Right now we're focused on finishing the Icebrood Saga and the expansion (among other things) but please continue sharing your ideas and letting us know the kinds of things you want in the game. I can't guarantee a particular outcome but it's important that we know your thoughts as they help us weigh decisions. Thanks.

En gros il n'y a plus d'équipe pour les raids (les devs ont été redirigés vers d'autres équipes).Et, en terme de développement, le focus actuel est sur la saga et l'extension.

Ce post a le mérite de clarifier la situation (merci à Bobby Stein), même si elle n'est pas plaisante pour ce contenu.

Edit : autre réponse (n'ajoute pas grand chose, il précise juste que les raids ne sont pas "définitivement abandonnés")

Responding to the OP: I never said raids were "abandoned" or what the future holds for that gametype or any other. I merely said, "We're working on LW and expac right now" and kept it vague because that's pretty much all I can talk about. Titling this thread "Bobby Stein on the future of raids" is a big exaggeration. Serves me right for posting, I guess. ;)

But let's focus this discussion on the players for a sec. This is purely to spur discussion and not to set false expectations, BTW. I just want to read your thoughts. This is not an official poll or anything like that. Just a chat among players.

What is it that you like about raids in general? Why do you play raids (in any game) in the first place? If we were to build another raid, what would you like to see? Any story you'd like experience?

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Je remets le post ici pour ceux qui ne regardent pas reddit :

"raid team as you knew it before doesnt exist anymore, they were either laid off or catapulted to other companies"

To clarify: The original raid team members did move into new positions on various teams (management, lead, LW, or expac). Some are still at the studio but a few have moved on to other opportunities. This is pretty normal industry stuff.

GW2 has a vibrant community and we're always looking at ways to keep the game engaging for people. Raids, like Living World, fractals, etc. are constantly being evaluated. Right now we're focused on finishing the Icebrood Saga and the expansion (among other things) but please continue sharing your ideas and letting us know the kinds of things you want in the game. I can't guarantee a particular outcome but it's important that we know your thoughts as they help us weigh decisions. Thanks.

En gros il n'y a plus d'équipe pour les raids (les devs ont été redirigés vers d'autres équipes).Et, en terme de développement, le focus actuel est sur la saga et l'extension.

Ce post a le mérite de clarifier la situation (merci à Bobby Stein), même si elle n'est pas plaisante pour ce contenu.

Edit : autre réponse (n'ajoute pas grand chose, il précise juste que les raids ne sont pas "définitivement abandonnés")

Responding to the OP: I never said raids were "abandoned" or what the future holds for that gametype or any other. I merely said, "We're working on LW and expac right now" and kept it vague because that's pretty much all I can talk about. Titling this thread "Bobby Stein on the future of raids" is a big exaggeration. Serves me right for posting, I guess. ;)

But let's focus this discussion on the players for a sec. This is purely to spur discussion and not to set false expectations, BTW. I just want to read your thoughts. This is not an official poll or anything like that. Just a chat among players.

What is it that you like about raids in general? Why do you play raids (in any game) in the first place? If we were to build another raid, what would you like to see? Any story you'd like experience?

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Après on savait déjà que les raids étaient déjà mis en "stand by" depuis la mise au points sur le contenu d'il y a quelques mois . C'est juste une confirmation de plus que le développement de ce type de contenu est abandonné.

Alors oui derrière le "mais non j'ai pas dit que les raid étaient abandonné", mais dans tout les cas on était déjà à presque 1 raid par an. Alors si faut attendre que l'hv actuel soit finit et que l'extension sorte pour qu'ils recommencent à développé la chose ça nous envoie déjà presque 2ans pour espéré avoir des nouvelles du truc.Autant dire que les gens intéressé par ce genre de contenu seront déjà parti voir ailleurs.

Puis bon on sait qu' n'aime pas revenir sur les concepts abandonné donc bon rip.

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