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  1. , voila je pense pas qu'il y aura de guild wars 3 et d'un coté tant mieux car guild wars 2 a encore tant de chose à montrer.
  2. "As an active game studio we are always doing internal exploratory work for possible future titles we’d want to create, however we have nothing to confirm right now. The team’s focus is on Guild Wars 2 development, including the game’s next expansion, which we’re excited to talk about soon." Cela vient de reddit TLDR: As of this moment Guild Wars 3 has not been approved and is not being developed. It is in the review stage where NCSoft may decide to greenlight it and start development. The Facts: Guild Wars 3 was name dropped during an NCSoft shareholders meeting in Korea and after the event was confirmed as being in the review stage of approval with no active development at this time. ArenaNet has already confirmed multiple Guild Wars 2 expansions are actively in development so there is no end to Guild Wars 2 in the near future. Guild Wars 2 has at the very least 2+ more years of content already announced as in development. Even if Guild Wars 3 started development today, it would be several years of development before a release if it could even release this decade, and it is not starting development today. Because the GW3 project is only in the review stage, there is every possibility that it is shot down and does not happen, the gaming industry is very volatile right now and investments are very low. These are the facts right now. If something changes I'm sure we'll find out. For now all future Guild Wars 3 discussion posts will be removed and this thread will serve as discussion going forward. Unless there is some sort of official announcement there is no real reason to keep making new speculation posts. I Ils disent vouloir se concentrer sur guild wars 2 et que rien n'est certain ... donc à voir.
  3. Je suis assez d'accord il mérite plus de reconnaissance, j'adore Guild Wars 2 et l'univers de Guild Wars de manière générale 😄 c'est le seul mmo que je joue et il est vraiment bon. Mais il y a encore du monde, et il fait partie des MMos les plus joué.
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